Showing 26 - 50 of 59 Results
Civil Rights Actions: Enforcing the Constitution : 2000 Supplement (University Casebook) by John C., Jr. Jeffries, Pame... ISBN: 9781587780417 List Price: $5.65
Civil Rights Actions Supplement 1998 by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781566626545 List Price: $14.95
Civil Rights Actions Section 1983 and Related Statutes by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9780882776354 List Price: $35.95
Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations, 1997 Supplement To by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781566625180
Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9780882775463 List Price: $35.00
Low And Jeffries' Federal Courts And the Law of Federal-state Relations 2006: Supplement (Un... by Jr. Jeffries John C., Peter... ISBN: 9781599411286 List Price: $21.00
Supplement to Federal Courts and the Law of Federal/State Relations by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781566629225 List Price: $8.95
Civil Rights Actions: Enforcing the Constitution, 2004 Supplement (University Casebook Series) by John C. Jeffries Jr., Pamel... ISBN: 9781587786969 List Price: $13.00
1989 supplement to Federal courts and the law of federal-state relations, second edition (Un... by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9780882777726 List Price: $3.95
Criminal Law: Cases and Materials by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9780882770505 List Price: $27.00
Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9780882777085 List Price: $40.50
Federal Courts and The Federal-State Relations, 6th, 2009 Supplement (University Casebook) by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781599417141 List Price: $23.00
2004 Supplement to Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations by Peter W. Low, John C. Jeffr... ISBN: 9781587786983 List Price: $14.00
Civil Rights Actions: Section Nineteen Eighty-Three and Related Statutes, 1990 Supplement - ... by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9780882778372 List Price: $8.95
Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State relations 5th ed, 2005 Supplement by Peter W. Low, John C. Jeffr... ISBN: 9781587788611 List Price: $18.00
Civil Rights Actions: Section 1983 and Related Statutes, 1991 Supplement by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9780882779225 List Price: $9.95
Jeffries, Karlan, Low, And Rutherglen's 2006 Supplement to Civil Rights Actions Enforcing th... by Jeffries, John C., Jr., Kar... ISBN: 9781599411224 List Price: $19.00
1996 Supplement to Civil Rights Actions: Section 1983 and Related Statutes by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781566623865
Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations, 9th, 2020 Supplement by Low, Peter W., Jeffries Jr.... ISBN: 9781647080679 List Price: $35.00
Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781599419688 List Price: $19.00
Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations, 1993 Supplement by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781566621083 List Price: $11.95
Civil Rights Actions : Section 1983 and Related Statutes by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781566621076 List Price: $11.50
1996 Supplement to Federal Courts and the Law of Federal-State Relations by Low, Peter W., Jeffries, Jo... ISBN: 9781566623889
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